Michigan Families Benefiting from Direct Cash Pilot

Fifty-one Michigan families are now receiving $500 in unrestricted cash every month for one year through the UpTogether Michigan Community Fund. Launched in September 2024, this initiative seeks to inspire municipalities and philanthropic organizations to adopt similar direct cash investment strategies to support families and strengthen communities.

"We believe that families know best how to meet their own needs and achieve their goals when given the resources and trust to do so," said Astar Herndon, Midwest Partnership Director at UpTogether. "We’re excited to partner with families across Michigan and amplify their stories of resilience and success."

UpTogether, a national nonprofit dedicated to transforming how poverty is addressed in the U.S., selected participants who earn up to 80% of the statewide median income and reside outside the City of Detroit. The $306,000 fund is made possible by the generosity of an anonymous private donor.

Participant Steph Stender of Bay City works full-time as a peer support specialist but has trouble making ends meet. She said the funds are alleviating the stress of not knowing if she’ll have enough to pay her bills. “I haven't missed a car payment. It’s helped with the cost of living. I can’t even afford groceries without it, really. Overall, this has improved the quality of life.”

“It’s not just about the money,” said one participant, who recently escaped an abusive relationship. She used her investment to furnish a new apartment and obtain employment. “It’s about the confidence it gives you. I can walk into a store, look people in the eye, and know I can buy what I need. It’s given me breathing room to start over and focus on healing.”

UpTogether is partnering on the following additional direct cash initiatives in Michigan:

  • ​​Steelcase Foundation Investment in Families Initiative: Partnering with the Steelcase Foundation to invest in 30 Black and Latina mothers who have low incomes in Kent County with $1,000 per month for at least five years and up to ten years.

  • Jefferson Chalmers Severe Flooding Readiness Pilot: A collaboration with Kresge Foundation and the Community Treehouse Center Detroit to mitigate the impact of flooding events, gather data on cash assistance's role in climate readiness, and support severe weather preparedness. Families receive a total of $2,020 over four months.

  • Building Peace: Partnering with FORCE Detroit to invest in individuals directly impacted by violence, offering $500 per month over six months to support peacemaking and trauma-reducing programs.

Since 2014, UpTogether has invested more than $14.7 million in more than 28,000 households in Michigan, primarily in Wayne, Genesee, Kent and Washtenaw counties. Investments have ranged from a total of $500 to $7,000. UpTogether counts 47,000 members on our UpTogether Connect online platform who live in Michigan.

"By continuing to partner with families and community organizations, we’re building a strong case for policies and practices that trust and invest in the inherent strengths of people across Michigan,” said Herndon.

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