The UpTogether Blog

UpTogether CEO Statement on OpenResearch’s Unconditional Cash Transfer Study

Written by UpTogether | Jul 22, 2024 7:36:46 PM

The following is a statement from UpTogether CEO Jesús Gerena. UpTogether, a national systems change organization working to disrupt the status quo approach to ending poverty, has distributed more than $210 million to more than 200,000 households since 2020.

The results of OpenResearch’s Unconditional Cash Transfer Study founded by Sam Altman show what UpTogether has demonstrated for 20 years: people can be trusted to make the best decisions for their lives. 

Study participants reported numerous positive impacts, from the ability to meet basic needs to having flexibility and autonomy to pursue goals. We were also not surprised to see that participants increased their support to others, as we have found that when people have more financial resources, they are able to contribute more to their community.

The study supports UpTogether’s position that unconditional cash transfers have a much bigger impact if they are directed toward those who truly need the money. Giving cash to people with higher incomes through UBI diminishes the economic benefits individuals from socioeconomically disadvantaged communities receive from the cash payments. UpTogether supports cash transfer initiatives like guaranteed income, which are targeted toward financially under-resourced and historically marginalized communities. 

While OpenResearch recommends more study on unconditional cash transfers, we encourage Altman and other philanthropists to immediately increase investments in cash transfer initiatives like guaranteed income. The results show these investments work to stabilize families and provide opportunities. People facing financial struggles do not need more top-down programs and services; they deserve more direct investment.

Because the study noted that “cash alone cannot address challenges such as chronic health conditions, lack of childcare, or the high cost of housing,” we also suggest OpenResearch use its financial resources to galvanize government and philanthropy to make deep, sustained investments in people by addressing these issues through improved health care services, expanded childcare assistance, and new affordable housing.

We thank OpenResearch for contributing evidence to support unconditional cash transfers. As Silicon Valley contemplates a future where automation and artificial intelligence displaces workers, we stand ready to work with tech leaders and government partners on ways to expand direct cash initiatives and improve the social safety net.