Uptogether, Economic Security Project and Every Texan Rally in Austin to Support Guaranteed Income

UpTogether, Economic Security Project and Every Texan brought together Texans from across the state for a powerful advocacy day in Austin on Wednesday. Families and community leaders met with lawmakers to oppose HB 530, SB395, SB2010 and SB743, bills that would block municipalities from implementing guaranteed income programs in Texas. 

Image from iOSOur message is clear: guaranteed income strengthens work, families, and local economies, and Texans should have the freedom to implement community-driven solutions that work for them.

“I felt like it was important for me and everybody else that was here so that the people in office can hear our voices,” said Tina Acosta, an UpTogether member from San Antonio. “We all came together to hear our stories together and make our voices heard together. I feel like that’s what unity is.”

“There’s so much power in allowing people to tell their own stories. I wanted to witness this and be part of it,” said Ashleigh Hamilton, an UpTogether member from Austin.

Through direct cash initiatives, including guaranteed income, UpTogether has distributed $32 million to more than 40,000 households in Texas. We know from our extensive experience that guaranteed income is a powerful tool to provide people with the financial stability they need to navigate challenges, invest in their futures, and contribute to their communities. 

“We all have our struggles and we came to tell these lawmakers that this money has helped us create financial stability,” said Ruby Marroquin, an UpTogether member from San Antonio.

UpTogether is currently partnering with the City of Austin on its Family Stabilization Grant program, which provides $1,000 to 160 families. These bills threaten local control and communities’ ability to design programs that fit their unique needs. 

“I’m a champion for guaranteed income. We know that it works here in Austin. We’ve seen it work throughout the state,” said Councilmember Vanessa Fuentes of Austin. “Every family should have the opportunity to thrive. No family should have to choose between paying the rent or putting food on the table."

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